Dear Patient,

We would like to inform you about recent changes in the process for obtaining a death certificate within the NHS.
Previously, the procedure involved the general practitioner (GP) assessing a case of death and issuing a certificate promptly if satisfied. In instances where satisfaction wasn't reached, the case would be referred to the coroner. This method allowed for the swift issuance of death certificates, often on the same day.

However, the new process introduces additional steps. The updated procedure involves the following:

  1. The GP is required to complete a medical examiner's referral form.
  2. We must then wait for the medical examiner to review and return the form.
  3. Following this, we can proceed to issue the death certificate.

Notably, step 2 in this process can result in significant delays, leading some families to express frustration and perceive the practice as a cause for unnecessary delays.

We believe it is crucial to formally communicate this change to you, allowing you to make informed plans in the unfortunate event that you find yourself in such a situation.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Stone Cross & West Drive Surgery
Dec 2023